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New 2024 Mocks and Semester Exams available soon

Queensland Exam Papers - Key Dates

Schools purchasing 2024 Semester Papers (including Year 12 Mock Exams) must observe the release dates and conditions set out on this page and also in our Terms of Sale page. Schools can purchase and use Practice Papers at any time - there are no date restrictions attached to them.

Return of Semester Papers and Mocks

Schools must not release Semester Papers, Mocks and/or their solutions and marking guides for students to take away from their classroom and school until the Release Date shown in the table.

Before these dates, students are permitted to see their marked papers in class under the strict supervision of a teacher, for the purposes of review and checking of marking. During such times, teachers must ensure that students do not copy or communicate any part of a paper, particularly using photographic or digital means.

Release Dates for Semester Papers and Mocks

2024 Semester PapersRelease Date
Year 12 MockTBA
Year 11 Semester TwoTBA

Dates for 2025 will be finalised by the start of Term 1, 2025.


There are no 'order by' deadlines. Order today, next week or next term. You choose when to order at a convenient time for your school. A confirmation of receipt of your order will be sent by email.


Semester Two papers will be available for download from early in Term 3. Please allow several working days for processing and delivery. Orders for practice papers are usually processed and ready for download from our website within 24 hours.


A tax invoice for your order will be included in the download file and payment is expected within 14 days of the date we first notify you that the file is available for download.

❖   Queensland Exam Papers

✉   PO Box 366, SUBIACO, WA 6904

☎   08 9284 3004


❖   ABN 73 110 721 321

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